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    SEO & Site Report$149.95

    • SEO & Site Report
    • Validation Errors
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    • Duplicate Titles
    • Duplicate Meta Tags
    • Broken Links
    • Link Statistics
    • Complete Backlink Analysis
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    Simplicity Itself

    Our system is so simple anyone can learn to make beautiful websites with no fuss.

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    Keep up with the major search engines and what they recommend. Your site will adhere to all the latest algorithms and validation requirements. It will be search engine optimised to increase your internet presence.

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    Customised Design

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    With tablet and smartphone sales increasing it’s vital your site displays correctly on every device. We use responsive designs that adapt to whatever screen it is being viewed on.

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    There is nothing more annoying than sitting waiting for a site to load. Our designs are quick and efficient, using the latest in streamlined code and optimised media. No more waiting for your visitors!  (and the search engines love a fast site also)

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